Intended for direct consumption. The product can be consumed and may or may not require further processing or as an ingredient. It can be taken orally or can be used as a moisturizer applied to the skin and hair. Base oil for other essential oils. Oil can be used for cooking. Fully Organic Certified Manufacturing & Packing Facility. Virgin coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acid and most of the fatty acid is Saturated Fatty acids. Lauric (C12) & Capric (C10) acid. Check this link for more details on the product specifications:
Intended for direct consumption. The product can be consumed and may or may not require further processing or as an ingredient. It can be taken orally or can be used as a moisturizer applied to the skin and hair. Base oil for other essential oils. Oil can be used for cooking. Fully Organic Certified Manufacturing & Packing Facility. Virgin coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acid and most of the fatty acid is Saturated Fatty acids. Lauric (C12) & Capric (C10) acid. Check this link for more details on the product specifications: