Maize bran is a by-product of various maize processing industries, including starch and ethanol production, and the production of maize-based foods. While maize bran theoretically consists of the bran coating removed in the early stages of processing, the maize bran sold for livestock feeding is usually a mixture of the bran fraction and other by-products and is, therefore, a very loosely defined product of highly variable composition. In the case of ethanol production, maize bran is defined as the mixture of the bran fraction and distillers solubles . In the starch extraction process, maize bran is usually mixed with steep liquor to produce corn gluten feed which is high in protein for animal rations
Maize bran is a by-product of various maize processing industries, including starch and ethanol production, and the production of maize-based foods. While maize bran theoretically consists of the bran coating removed in the early stages of processing, the maize bran sold for livestock feeding is usually a mixture of the bran fraction and other by-products and is, therefore, a very loosely defined product of highly variable composition. In the case of ethanol production, maize bran is defined as the mixture of the bran fraction and distillers solubles . In the starch extraction process, maize bran is usually mixed with steep liquor to produce corn gluten feed which is high in protein for animal rations